'Love of books' programme at Little Earth Queenstown
In response to feedback from primary sector that some children are starting school without knowing the educational value of books, we have started a programme of ‘Love of books’. This has become part of our programme that the children look forward to.
For the past 6 weeks, Charlie the children’s librarian from Queenstown Library has been coming to either Mōhiotanga and Whakamana room 1 and 4 on Thursday every fortnight to share her love of books with the children. We are making use of our whare pukapuka, to listen to Charlie, and have invited children from Kaitoro Room 3 to join as well.
Every 2nd Monday, Janes (teacher) mother, Madeline who is an ex karitane nurse is also coming in for 20minutes to share her love of reading with the children. Janes mother taught Jane and her family to enjoy books.
We also took up Bev the book lady up on her offer to read a story to the children when she called in to show us all her new books. This all illustrates to the children that books can entertain, inform and delight no matter what age and is responding to leadership from the community where we all see a need.